The Old Man

A normal morning it was for me.
As on my daily voyage I proceed.
Calm and silent my day it began,
With it, the work in hand.
Then there came a figure that didn’t seem so unique.
With a hat and rugged shoes,
Old clothes and a very old face.
Alien he was to the locals,
He said ‘I just came to say hi!’
Everybody wondered why is it.
Bu the old man said nothing
Only, he began to sing
Not so clear which language was it,
Perhaps something he heard as a kid,
Words he himself forget
The tune so clear as the day.
His missing teeth and wrinkled face,
Together with the smile he shared,
Made a sound so joyous indeed,
Even now as months has passed,
I sit down to write my verse,
The tune comes back with blissful feelings,
‘Nare Na Na’, all I could sing.
The old man did say that he likes,
To meet people and say Hi
He says it makes him happy to talk to people,
Perhaps happier were we,
To see such a person.
Old he might be, Old might be his song,
But fresh was the energy,
Like something I would like to carry.
Click my shutter as he sings,
No words, but still he sings.